A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Parkinson's Disease: Integrating Conventional and Holistic Approaches

Karen Armes
April 25, 2024

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects mostly the dopamine-producing (“dopaminergic”) neurons in the area of the brains called the substantia nigra.  It can be caused by toxins (in air, water and food), chemicals, poor diet, MSG and excitotoxins, and is further accentuated by the environment. Alzheimer’s and ALS are also neurodegenerative diseases and have very similar treatments, and this information will be of great benefit to those issues as well.

Recent studies on the gut microbiome show that Parkinson's disease may originate in cells in the gut and then travel via the vagus nerve to the brain. They did studies where they injected misfolded proteins into the guts of mice only to find them in the brain months later.  When the cranial nerve was cut, the proteins never made it to the brain. Please visit our gut health section to learn more on microbiome health.

Parkinson’s can also develop from deposits of proteins found in the brain.  Stress, Inflammation, and an overactive immune system can all make the symptoms worse.

Symptoms often develop over years and are: loss of smell (hyposmia), sleep disorders,  constipation, incoordination, autonomic nervous system dysfunction (the ANS automatically controls internal functions like blood pressure, breathing, and bladder function), tremors while resting, bradykinesia (slow or impaired movement of limbs), rigid or stiff limbs, jerking movements, gait issues, balance issues, changes in posture, walking becomes a bit dangerous, falling occurs, facial expressions change, anxiety, depression, and hallucinations.

AVOID: ALL HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDE, PESTICIDES, LARVICIDES, FUNGICIDES, GLYPHOSATE, ROUND UP READY products, and any pest control product.  These are all designed to do ONE THING: Kill a living nervous system. Avoid all non-organic fruits, vegetables, dairy, grain and meat whether you have Parkinson’s or not. ☺

We have all of this information, plus a lot more about Parkinson's in our Human Body Master Guide, which is an A-Z reference guide with 100's of videos featuring interviews, how-to clips, and suggestions on over 225 health topics! Learn what a naturopath, chiropractor, yoga instructor, medical doctor, nutritional counselor, pharmacist, or other specialist may recommend for YOUR health issue! This is an interactive course that includes LIVE expert webinars and a 24/7 Q&A submission portal where you can submit questions. We'll use our combined experience and community of resources to find you an answer! You can learn more HERE!

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