Mastering Homeopathy

Neil Schultz is a highly sought after AMAZING educator on Homeopathy. His Mastering Homeopathy course will provide you not only a though understanding of the history of its origin, but you will take away SO MUCH information that you will want to use homeopathy with everyone you know! Neil gives step by step instruction on how to make homeopathy, how to do a proving, and how to create specific-to-you remedies. He teaches Homeoprophylaxis and how to use Mother Homeopathic remedies for decades to come.

What's Included

  • The history and basics of homeopathy, as well as more intermediate knowledge.
  • Dosing, common remedies, and kits.
  • Practical applications to teach you how to use Homeopathy at home and with clients.

Payment Plans Available


4 hours



1-1 Coaching

All classes available online

Certificate after completing

Lifetime access

Community access


This course will teach you Homeopathy from the beginning steps to intermediate knowledge of Nosodes along with an understanding of Sarcodes, isopathy and Tautopathics. It will also teach you several things not normally found in Homeopathy courses. Things that I feel are critical to understand like, the powerful history of Homeopathy in the United States and the Presidents who used it.

It's also critical to understand how and why Homeopathy works - concepts that even a lot of Homeopaths don’t understand.

This course will give you the power to discuss Homeopathy completely and intelligently with ANYONE, as well as the basics needed to be a practitioner.

I hope you gain a great understanding and passion for Homeopathy from this course.  It is my pleasure to present it.

-Dr. Neil Schultz

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